Sunday, 3 May 2015

Good times layout

"Well this time I've gone for a single layout, as it was a large photo I felt a double mat and a central position works well. I've added only a hint of the green but as it's contrasting it really does pop! I also loved being able to add some flowers to the layout, can't remember the last time I managed that, they tend to get frowned at by said 14 year old when I create layouts about him. I added some 'flag' like elements at the top right hand side which I hand cut. All in all a super fast layout using this fabulous colour scheme. So the question is - what are you making? Catch ya later Virginia"


  1. Such a happy photo! Great LO

  2. I don't get much chance to use flowers or pink papers, as there are only men in my house ;-) Those items most often go on my cards.
    Great job on the color combo challenge!
